Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Schmitt ist Direktor des des Zentrums für Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitsversorgung (ZEGV) der Dresdner Hochschulmedizin und des Forschungsverbunds Public Health Sachsen der TU Dresden. Am Hochschul-Standort Dresden ist er weiterhin verantwortlich für den Core Room Implementation & Regulatory Affairs, Co-Leiter des Else Kröner-Zentrums für Digitale Gesundheit, wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Modellstudiengang Humanmedizin Chemnitz. Prof. Schmitt ist Hauptgeschäftsführer des Deutschen Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung e. V. (DNVF). Innerhalb der Förderlinie 1 des NUM war er Leiter in egePan Unimed. In PREPARED übernimmt er die Koordination des Projekts, sowie die Leitung des AP1, 5, 8 und ist Mitglied im Planungskomitee.
Personal information | Prof. Dr. med. Schmitt, Jochen, MPH |
Current position | Director, Center for Evidence-based Healthcare, Professor of Social Medicine and Health Services Research, Medical Faculty and University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden, Germany |
Relevant Work experience (previous positions) | 2002-2011: (Attending) physician; Dpt. of Dermatology, University Hospital Dresden 2014-2020: Honorary Professor, University of Nottingham, School of Medicine, U.K. 2016-2020: Director, Health Economic Center, TU Dresden Since 2011: Professor for social medicine and health services research, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden Since 2012: Director, Center for Evidence-based Healthcare, TU Dresden Since 2015: Director, Research Association Public Health Saxony, TU Dresden |
Academic training | 1995-2002: Medical School in Würzburg, Hamburg, Leipzig; Approbation as MD 2002: Promotion (Dr. med.), magna cum laude 2002-2011: Resident, Attending physician, Dpt of Dermatology, University Hospital Dresden 2005: Master of Public Health (MPH), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA 2007: Board certification for Dermatology and Venerology 2009: Board certification for Allergology 2009: Habilitation, Venia legendi, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden |
Main research focus | Evidence-based healthcare, measurement in medicine, evaluation of complex interventions, value in healthcare, outcomes research, quality indicators, routine-care data analysis, data linkage, patient-reported outcomes, evidence-based clinical decision making, health services research, digital health, systematic reviews, epidemiology, research on research |
Publications | 5 out of 829, Google Scholar h-Index: 64 Schuppert A, Polotzek K, Schmitt J, Busse R, Karschau J, Karagiannidis C: Different Spreading Dynamics Throughout Germany During the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: a time series study based on nationalsurveillance data. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe 6 (2021) 100151; Available at SSRN 3804989 Rößler M, Jacob J, Resch L, …, Schmitt J, Walker J: Hierarchisierung von Risikofaktoren für schwere COVID-19-Erkrankungsverläufe im Kontext der COVID-19-Schutzimpfungen. Eine gepoolte GKV-Routinedatenanalyse basierend auf 30 Mio. Versicherten. Epidemiol. Bull. 2021; http://dx.doi.org/10.25646/8405.3 Schmitt J, Lange T, Kottner J, Prinsen CAC, Weberschock T,et. al.; Cochrane Reviews and Dermatological Trials Outcome Concordance: Why Core Outcome Sets Could Make Trial Results More Usable. J Invest Dermatol. 2019; 139(5):1045-53. Baum F, Schoffer O, Neumann A, Seifert M, Kliemt R, … Schmitt J.: Effectiveness of Global Treatment Budgets for Patients With Mental Disorders-Claims Data Based Meta-Analysis of 13 Controlled Studies From Germany. Front Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 24;11:131. Schmitt J, Petzold T, Nellessen-Martens G, Pfaff H. Prioritization and Consentation of Criteria for the Appraisal, Funding and Evaluation of Projects from the German Innovationsfonds: A multi-perspective Delphi study. Gesundheitswesen. 2015;77:570-9. |
Major Grants within the last five years | NUM-Project “egePan Unimed” (PI) (BMBF) WiZen – Wirksamkeit der Versorgung in onkologischen Zentren (PI) (GBA) CancerCOVID – Ressourcenallokation für die Krebsmedizin im Kontext von Sars-CoV-2 – (PI) (BMBF) |
Additional Information | Chief Executive Officer Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung (DNVF) Scientific Lead MD-Program TU Dresden, Campus Chemnitz PI Implementation & Regulatoryrs, Co-Leiter Else Kröner-Center for Digital Health, TU Dresden |
Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Schmitt